The Buggy Baggy Story

Hello, my name is Bridget Betts and I'm a wife and proud mama of three...two are only 15 months apart and keep me pretty busy! Based in Annapolis, MD, I am a Johns Hopkins MBA grad, avid football fan (Go Ravens), love good books, travel and fun weekends with my husband and kids.
As a busy mom, I am always on the hunt for all the baby products that make life easy. Yet, I never found the "perfect" shopping companion that would make my quick runs to the store seamless.
I spent many years in television, public relations and marketing and after getting my MBA I was on the hunt for a problem to solve. That's what they teach ya in entrepreneurship class.
When my two-year-old was about 3 months old I ventured to the grocery store with him thinking I was supermom. After getting him into the stroller, I entered the store and FROZE. Ummm, how was I supposed to shop with him? My thoughts went everywhere.
1. Push the stroller and pull the cart. No...too much work.
2. Put the items underneath the stroller. No...the stares I got from security and there just wasn't enough room. I guess bending down a millions times would have helped with my squats.
3. LEAVE and come back when my husband got home. But then I wouldn't be supermom. I can do this
4. Push the stroller and hold a hand basket.
I chose option four, but let me tell you that basket got heavy and the one-handed stroller pushing...well...sorry apple display! lol
From this experience, the Buggy Baggy was born. And, it was just in time since three months later I was pregnant again!
The Buggy Baggy can be used for shopping, festivals, the library, restaurants, the park, amusement parks and many other places. Be sure to tell us how you Buggy Baggy.
Life experiences shouldn't be hard. Get out, get active, have fun with the kids. Buggy Baggy is here to help!